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Company Financials

Period End 52 weeks to 28 Sep 2019 53 weeks to 3 Oct 2020 52 weeks to 2 Oct 2021 52 weeks to 1 Oct 2022 52 weeks to 30 Sep 2023*
Turnover (£M’s) 238.9 238.3 273.4 335.6 341.7
Profit before tax (£M’s) 8.0 11.0 11.0 11.9 8.0
Net Assets (£M’s) 46.2 54.8 60.7 69.1 41.4
EBITDA (£M’s) 24.1 27.4 28.2 32.6 30.9
Turnover Growth 37% -0% 15% 23% 2%
Operating Profit / Turnover 4% 5% 5% 4% 3%
Return on Capital Employed 17% 20% 18% 17% 19%
Average number of employees 2,343 2,340 2,335 2,992 3,032

* These figures represent Gregory Trading Holdings Ltd. All prior years represent Gregory Distribution (Holdings) Ltd.

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